What does Video Production Cost?
WLM is a registered business with 22 successful years of operation. Over this time WLM has grown considerably from a part time hobby business to a full time, full service media production company.
WLM’s location in the Annapolis Valley makes it unique when you consider the experience and professional services it offers.
When compared to similar services available elsewhere in the province, WLM is highly competitive.
A video project requires the following Production Steps.
- Pre-production planning
- Filming
- Post Production
- A proofing process.
Once the decisions are made regarding the project requirements during the pre-production process, a total cost can be reached for the project.
The main differences effecting cost consist of camera requirements, equipment requirements and the necessary crew.
Camera Requirements
- High frame rate (for slo-mo)
- HD, 4K or 6K and up
- Low Light Ability
- Camera Mounts and lighting
- Lens Choices
Professional video production requires a production team due to the number of elements involved with filming.
- Directing
- Framing & Following (camera operator)
- Focus Pulling
- Lighting (often overlooked but very important)
- Grip (equipment manager)
- Sound Engineering.
When each job is given to an individual, the better and more detailed that job will be done.
When budgets are low, these jobs have to be combined and/or automated which can overwhelm the crew and especially a lone videographer. This means that fine details can’t be addressed with each filming aspect.